Top 5 Must-Haves for Event Managers for Smooth Delivery

As an event management company specialising in conferences and incentives, we understand the intricacies and challenges that come with orchestrating seamless events. From managing multiple stakeholders to ensuring every detail is perfectly executed, the role of an event manager is both demanding and rewarding. To help you navigate this complex landscape, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 must-haves for event managers to ensure smooth delivery of every event. 

1. Detailed Event Critical Path 

A comprehensive critical path is crucial for managing the multitude of tasks involved in event planning. This critical path should cover every aspect of the event, from initial planning stages of contracting, key deadlines, to post-event follow-up requirements. Having a detailed critical path ensures that no task is overlooked, or deadline missed, helping to maintain a smooth workflow from conception to completion. 

Essential inclusions: 

  • Key deadlines for clients and suppliers:
    • Venue booking and logistics 
    • Speaker and attendee management 
    • AV equipment and technical support 
    • Catering deadlines 
    • Marketing and promotions 
    • On-site staff coordination 

2. Strong Supplier Relationships 

At Cornerstone Events, we know first-hand that building and maintaining strong relationships with suppliers is vital for the smooth execution of any event. Reliable suppliers ensure timely delivery of services and products, which is critical for event success. Regular communication, clear contracts, and mutual respect go a long way in forging strong supplier partnerships. 

Tips for Building Strong Supplier Relationships: 

  • Clearly communicate your expectations and requirements 
  • Establish regular check-ins and updates 
  • Negotiate fair contracts with clear terms 
  • Show appreciation for their efforts and reliability 

3. Professional Audio-Visual (AV) Setup 

A high-quality AV setup is critical for delivering presentations, speeches, and performances with clarity and impact. Partnering with a professional AV company ensures that you have the necessary equipment and technical support, so every presentation is seen and heard clearly, contributing to a flawless event. We are lucky to have strong relationships with some amazing AV companies who we use regularly for our events, including Connected Event Group, who provide a range of innovative products and services to enhance any event.  

Key Components: 

  • High-definition projectors and screens
  • Professional sound systems and microphones 
  • Stage lighting and effects 
  • Technical support and on-site technicians 
  • Live streaming capabilities 

4. Robust Contingency Plans 

Despite meticulous planning, we know very well that during an event, unforeseen circumstances can arise. Having robust contingency plans in place prepares you to handle any unexpected challenges that may come your way. Whether it’s a technical glitch, a last-minute cancellation, or a weather-related issue, being prepared with a backup plan can save the day. 

Key Contingency Planning Steps: 

  • Identify potential risks and challenges
  • Develop backup plans for critical elements (venue, speakers, technology) 
  • Communicate contingency plans to your team and stakeholders 
  • Allocate a budget for unexpected expenses 

5. Advanced Registration and Ticketing System 

An efficient registration and ticketing system are crucial for managing attendees and streamlining the check-in process. Cornerstone Events aligns with EventsAir a modern comprehensive solution for ticket sales, registration, and attendee management. For our larger events for onsite assistance, we often use seamless service providers like Touchpoint Meeting Services who offer onsite check-in solutions, name badge printing kiosks and registration management. 

The benefits of a robust registration system are that it simplifies the attendee management process, enhances the guest experience, and provides valuable data for future events. 

Key Features: 

  • Online registration and payment processing
  • Customisable ticket types and pricing 
  • Automated confirmation and reminder emails 
  • Integration with CRM and marketing tools 
  • Real-time reporting and analytics 


Ensuring the smooth delivery of any event requires meticulous planning, effective communication, and the ability to adapt to unexpected challenges. By equipping yourself with a comprehensive critical path, strong supplier relationships, and robust contingency plans, you’ll be well-prepared to deliver successful and memorable events. 

At Cornerstone Events, we consistently exceed our clients’ expectations by leveraging these essential strategies. By adopting these practices, you too can elevate your events and ensure their success.  

Moreover, incorporating an advanced registration system and professional AV setups will help you create successful, memorable, and impactful events. 

Elevate Your Conference Experience: The Power of Audio and Visual Elements

In the ever-evolving world of event management, creating memorable and impactful conferences requires a careful blend of innovation and engagement. At Cornerstone Events, we specialise in turning ordinary events into extraordinary experiences, and one key element that can make a substantial difference is the incorporation of audio and visual elements.

The Power of Light, Sight and Sound

1. Immersive Presentations:

Imagine a keynote speaker capturing the audience’s attention not just through words but also through stunning visuals. Incorporating visually appealing slides, graphics, and videos can transform a traditional presentation into an immersive experience. Our team works closely with partners to curate visually compelling content that enhances the overall impact of the message being conveyed.

2. Enhanced Engagement:

Audio-visual elements possess the unique ability to captivate and engage attendees on multiple sensory levels. From dynamic video presentations to carefully selected background music, these elements create an environment that stimulates both the mind and emotions. Attendees are more likely to retain information and have a positive overall experience when multiple senses are engaged. At Cornerstone Events, we work collaboratively with our clients and partners to bring your audio-visual dreams to life, ensuring that every sight and sound aligns seamlessly with your vision, creating an immersive experience that resonates long after the event concludes.

The Power of Light, Sight and Sound

3. Lighting Magic:

Lighting is the unsung hero of event design. Our team understands the transformative power of lighting, using it to set the mood, highlight key elements, and guide the audience’s focus. Whether it’s a warm and inviting ambiance for a networking session or dramatic spotlights for a high-energy presentation, our lighting designs are tailored to evoke the desired emotions.

Unleashing Creativity

1. Themed Environments:

Elevate your conference by transforming the venue into a themed environment that resonates with your message. With the right combination of lighting, sound effects, and visuals, you can transport your attendees to a different world, making your event not just informative but also memorable. At a recent event we organised, the client had requested an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ theme. Through the clever use of props, accompanied by immersive visuals and enchanting lighting, we seamlessly transported attendees to a Wonderland dream, bringing the client’s vision vividly to life. This experience showcases our dedication to transforming imaginative themes into captivating, tangible realities that resonate with attendees long after the event.

Unleashing Creativity

2. Interactive Exhibits:

Foster engagement through interactive exhibits that utilise audio and visual technologies. Whether it’s virtual reality demos, interactive touchscreens, or augmented reality experiences, incorporating these elements adds an exciting and modern dimension to your conference, leaving a lasting impression on participants.

Creating Lasting Impressions

1. Branding Opportunities:

Audio and visual elements provide excellent opportunities for branding. From custom animations and logo displays to strategically placed sound branding, these elements help reinforce your brand identity throughout the event, making it more memorable for attendees. In a noteworthy event we organised with over 5000 attendees, we strategically illuminated our client’s branding on the main stage, creating not just a visual display but also a strategic backdrop that enhanced the overall impact of the brand. Our events can incorporate custom lighting elements that showcase your brand identity, ensuring that your presence is both prominent and memorable. From illuminated logos to colour schemes mirroring your brand palette, we guarantee that your brand will shine brilliantly throughout the entire event experience.

2. Social Media Buzz:

In the age of social media, events that are visually appealing and acoustically stimulating are more likely to generate organic buzz. Attendees are likely to share their experiences on various platforms, creating a virtual extension of your event and reaching a broader audience.

Partner with Cornerstone Events

The integration of audio and visual elements can transform your conference from a standard gathering into an immersive and unforgettable experience. At Cornerstone Events, we recognise the transformative power of these elements and are committed to helping you curate events that resonate long after they conclude. Let’s collaborate to create a conference that not only informs but inspires, leaving your attendees excited for what’s to come. We work hand-in-hand with outstanding production companies, ensuring a seamless partnership to deliver an on-budget experience that will create lasting memories. Contact us today to discuss how we can bring your vision to life!

woman filming a band on stage using a mobile phone

Hot Tips For Elevating Your Event Planning in 2024

As the countdown to the New Year begins, it’s the perfect time for event planners to reflect on the past and embrace new beginnings. At Cornerstone Events, we understand the dynamic nature of the events industry and the importance of staying ahead of the curve. As we usher in the New Year, let’s explore some resolutions that can elevate your event planning game to new heights.

1. Embrace Technology for Seamless Events:

As winners of the “Best Use of Onsite Technology” award at the EventsAir Innovation Awards, we know that technology is your best ally. Resolve to explore and adopt innovative event management tools and platforms that can streamline your processes. From efficient registration and ticketing systems to cutting-edge solutions, staying tech-savvy will not only save you time but also enhance the overall event experience for your clients and attendees.

2. Prioritise Sustainability:

Drawing inspiration from the valuable insights shared by sustainability experts Tim Jarvis and Jessica Vandy at the PCOA23 conference our team recently attended, we recognise the profound impact the events industry has on the environment. As you gear up for your event planning endeavours in 2024, make a resolution to prioritise sustainability. From sourcing local and sustainable materials to implementing waste reduction strategies, every small step counts towards creating memorable events with a positive environmental footprint.

3. Recognise Traditional Land Owners and Incorporate Indigenous Elements:

In the spirit of acknowledging the rich tapestry of our communities, resolve to recognise and honour the traditional landowners at each event location. Incorporate Indigenous elements into your events, weaving the stories, art, and traditions of the local community into the fabric of your planning. This commitment not only adds depth to your events but also contributes to the preservation and celebration of diverse cultural heritages.

An indigenous man playing a didgeridoo to an a seated audience who are clapping and smiling

4. Enhance Networking Opportunities:

Networking is a cornerstone of successful events. Next year, resolve to create even more opportunities for meaningful connections. Explore new formats for networking sessions, leverage social media platforms, and consider integrating interactive elements that encourage participants to engage and build valuable connections.

5. Invest in Professional Development:

Your conferences are more than just events—they’re strategic investments. As a certified event management company dedicated to excellence, we prioritise staying ahead in industry trends. We urge you to invest in your professional development by attending workshops, webinars, and conferences. Networking with peers and learning from thought leaders not only keeps you inspired but also brings fresh perspectives to elevate your event planning endeavours. Just as we are invested in making each event stand out, your commitment to ongoing learning is a key factor in achieving success in the dynamic world of event planning.

6. Diversify Your Offerings:

In the rapidly evolving events landscape, versatility is paramount. Resolve to diversify by exploring new event types, themes, and formats, ensuring your portfolio remains dynamic. Whether it’s themed experiences or niche markets, staying adaptable broadens your appeal. At Cornerstone Events, we not only embrace diversity but also offer tailored solutions for any occasion. Whether you need a discerning MC, compelling keynote speakers, interactive workshops, or engaging fishbowl sessions, our diverse offerings cater to your unique event needs. Let’s discuss how Cornerstone Events can elevate your next gathering with a touch of innovation and distinction.

A street performer dressed in a mirrored suite walking through a crowd of people who are drinking and talking at an event at night.

7. Prioritise Well-Being:

Life can be demanding, especially in event planning. While on-site, consider incorporating a quiet space during your event for recharging. At Cornerstone Events, we collaborate with wellness experts who seamlessly integrate self-care into your event’s content—quick massages, energizer sessions, and mindfulness moments. As you navigate event intricacies, prioritising well-being is a resolution for success. Delegate tasks, take strategic breaks, and ensure a positive work environment. A balanced approach ensures not just event success but the well-being of everyone involved.

8. Collect and Analyse Data:

Data is a powerful tool for understanding event success and areas for improvement. Resolve to enhance your data collection and analysis capabilities. Utilise attendee feedback, track key performance indicators, and leverage insights to continually refine and optimise your event strategies.

As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, let these resolutions serve as a guide to elevate your event planning endeavours in the coming year. At Cornerstone Events, we look forward to another year of creating unforgettable experiences and setting the stage for success. Happy planning and a prosperous New Year!

Hybrid Events

Whilst we are seeing more confidence from our clients in planning events this year, the constant challenge of snap border closures continues to be concerning. The hybrid event is emerging as a key solution in 2021.

What is a hybrid event?  Glad you asked! 

A hybrid event can take numerous forms, all of which combine a portion of the event being in person, with a virtual component. This may mean you have teams located in various “live sites” perhaps in each state of the country, and link them via “telecast” style presentation; or you may have a live conference where you have an audience attend, as well as streaming to others watching from their home or office locations.

Planning a Hybrid event will allow more flexibility should there be changes in regulations around attendance to your meeting, and reduce any uncertainty for your attendees in travelling to a location.

Many companies are finding a new audience for their events by providing a variety of ways for an attendee to join the event, often attracting first-time attendees who have been unable to attend in person previously.  Getting a first-hand experience of your event may encourage the attendee to cement it into their calendar for the future. Providing users with flexibility is key to a great customer experience. Offering both in-person and virtual-only access to live content gives attendees a choice to watch from the comfort and safety of their own environment should they not be willing or able to travel to attend the event in person.

We’d certainly recommend being proactive with your event planning – studios, speakers and experienced AV teams are all in demand.  Planning does take time in the virtual/hybrid space, so engage experts to assist you.  There are definitely lots of learnings we can share from experiences over the last 12 months. With some slight tweaks to your programs to enable the delivery in a hybrid format, your attendees will gain maximum impact from your event.

Hybrid events are just one step towards us meeting together in person like we used to – embrace it and start planning now!  The Cornerstone team would love to help you with your plans – 

Contact us today for our expert advice on all your hybrid event needs.


Case Study – Virtual Event

The Brief 

A regular client had to cancel their 2020 event due to COVID-19 restrictions. They banded with a like-minded organisation to keep their membership engaged, provide ongoing learning experiences, network, and connect with sponsors via an online medium.

The client wanted to hold the event across a week with multiple streams to maximise content available to attendees. The client appointed Cornerstone to source the best platform to deliver the event, manage speakers, program development, registration, sponsorship and overall logistics and production management. The theme of the conference was set as ‘Resilience, The New Normal’.

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Why you should consider Incentive Travel

Wise business operators have long seen the benefit of incentivising their teams, and in particular that unbeatable once in a lifetime experience that a well created trip brings to the table, enhancing culture, bottom line results and loyalty. Many who have long shunned this type of program are jumping onto the bandwagon and implementing programs […]

Event Security – How to safeguard your event

Arguably event and venue safety and security has never been as challenging as it is today.

Horrendous attacks which have occurred with seemingly increasing regularity have targeted public gatherings and events internationally. The overt and callous acts of terrorists do not respect traditional rules of engagement and the strategy to maximise fear in the community seems to target our workplaces, arena, public venues and places of mass gathering.

Due to this current elevated security climate, it is imperative to strategise and plan early to keep your event safe.

Having a well-prepared strategy will help to safeguard your event.

  • It is important to be prepared at all times, keeping up-to-date with the latest in security – not just when an attack or threat occurs
  • Cyber security threats to businesses and hacking are also becoming more prevalent
  • Having the right resources is crucial to combat attacks

As an event holder, you need to: Identify Threats, Understand Risks, Assess Vulnerability and Implement appropriate security measures.

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Aloft in the West

The Cornerstone team are constantly researching the best venues in the market to keep you up-to-date on what’s new, and on offer. It is essential for us to have first-hand experience before providing relevant and insightful advice to our clients.

Last week the Cornerstone team explored the first Aloft in Australia, Aloft Perth.

Modelled off the W Hotels, Aloft Perth was purpose built with the tech-savvy and “always on” generation in mind. Offering free high-speed internet and buzzing social spaces Aloft Perth has been built to accommodate global travellers who value purposeful design, open spaces and connectivity. The hotel encourages its guests to stay healthy with a massive 24-hour gym, Re:Charge, packed with the latest equipment. Re:Charge also provides guests with lots of natural light with two large windows over-looking the hotels and the pool.

Boasting 224 rooms of urban style loft accommodation Aloft Hotel oozes quirkiness and sophistication. They have designed the rooms with floor to ceiling windows, and have allowed a window panel in the bathrooms to flood the large 33m2 rooms with natural light.


One of the things that really impressed us was the effort to provide fast and free internet throughout the hotel, allowing guests to be constantly connected for their stay.

The flexible and dynamic meeting spaces on the Mezzanine Level provide removable walls into the foyer allowing an open, free-flowing area offering natural daylight from most of the rooms. The function spaces feature beautiful wood finishes and state-of-the-art lighting, audio-visual and business facilities. The Mezzanine Level is perfect for smaller more intimate meetings and breakout rooms for up to 120 people, with the option of using The Ballroom on the 19th floor at the plenary.

Aloft offers Perth’s highest function venue for 300 people with unique, never-seen-before views. The Ballroom features a large window which offers lots of natural daylight throughout the entire space. Adjacent to the Rooftop Terrace, The Ballroom opens onto it to reveal a large open area, which would be great for hosting Cocktail functions and stand up lunch functions.

Aloft’s Rooftop Terrace features spectacular 270 degree views of the city and Swan River, and offers a great alternative function space. Designed with service in mind, The Terrace features built in bar and fully functioning service kitchen on the same level allowing for quick and attentive service. The Terrace also provides the option to have BBQ’s set up outside with interactive chefs which provides great option for a substantial canape lunch. The special attention to service and presentation of food and detail was exceptional with a strong focus on using Western Australian produced food, and wines.

Located in The Springs – Perth’s latest urban renewal project – Aloft Perth is within close proximity to the airport, making it easily accessible for interstate and international travellers.

Thanks to Aloft Perth Hotel, and the Perth Convention Bureau for having Cornerstone last week. Contact Us today to dicuss how you can host your next event at Aloft Perth.



Destination Guide: Queenstown

This month’s leading destination is Queenstown, a scenic town which sits on the crystal clear Lake Wakatipu surrounded by The Remarkables Mountain Range. As an internationally recognised destination, Queenstown is fast becoming a popular event location for many business and association groups.

After hosting several conferences in Queenstown this year, we are delighted to share with you the best Queenstown has to offer for your next corporate event.

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