The Do’s and Don’ts for Your Next Event

We know firsthand that planning an event can feel like juggling a million tasks at once, especially when it’s a major conference or a unique incentive event. Whether you’re organising a small corporate gathering or a large-scale convention, getting it right is crucial. At Cornerstone Events, we specialise in making your events memorable and seamless. Here’s our definitive list of do’s and don’ts to help you navigate your next event with confidence. 

Do: Begin with a Welcome to Country 

We love a Welcome to Country to kick off an event. It’s a powerful way to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and set a meaningful tone right from the start. This practice shows respect for Indigenous cultures and establishes an atmosphere of inclusivity and mindfulness. A lot of our events feature local Indigenous leaders and sometimes include ceremonial dances and elements, adding a rich cultural layer that resonates deeply with attendees. It’s more than just a ceremonial gesture; it’s a statement that honours the land’s history and the people who have cared for it for generations. We suggest partnering with local Indigenous leaders to deliver a welcome that feels genuine and heartfelt. 

Do: Celebrate Diversity 

Embracing diversity isn’t just a trend; it’s a fundamental aspect of successful event planning. Create a program that reflects the diverse backgrounds of your attendees, speakers, and partners. This could involve featuring a range of perspectives in your panels, offering culturally diverse food options, and being mindful of different cultural practices and holidays when scheduling your event. At Cornerstone Events, diversity is a definite ‘do’ for us! Remember, an inclusive event environment makes everyone feel valued and respected. 

Do: Use Technology to Enhance the Experience 

Leveraging technology can elevate your event to the next level. Use event apps to facilitate networking, provide real-time updates, and offer interactive maps. Enhance the experience further by incorporating cutting-edge technology like augmented reality (AR) experiences or interactive touchscreens that allow attendees to explore content in innovative and immersive ways. We are lucky to work with many great suppliers, such as Connected Event Group, who offer the best of the best when it comes to innovative technology and help to enhance the event experience for delegates. Additionally, at some of our events we like to use live polls, Q&A sessions, and social media integrations to keep attendees engaged. The right tech solutions can streamline the event experience and increase attendee satisfaction. 

Do: Make Networking Opportunities Fun and Effective 

Networking is a key reason why people attend events. Facilitate this by organising structured networking sessions, providing dedicated networking spaces, and using technology that helps connect attendees with similar interests. We find that including Icebreaker activities, speed networking, and social networking events after sessions can help attendees make meaningful connections. The more enjoyable and effective you make the networking experience, the more successful your event will be. 

Do: Personalise the Experience 

Tailored experiences resonate more with attendees than generic ones. Use data from registrations and past events to personalise elements of your event. Offer breakout sessions tailored to specific industries or job roles, provide personalised welcome gifts, and consider incorporating interactive elements such as custom agendas or personalised event apps. The key is to make every attendee feel like the event was designed with them in mind, creating a more engaging and memorable experience. 

Do: Prioritise Accessibility 

Accessibility should never be an afterthought. Ensure that your event is accessible to everyone by providing features like wheelchair access, sign language interpreters, and closed captioning for presentations. Digital accessibility is just as important, so make sure your website, registration forms, and event apps are compliant with accessibility standards. Creating a truly inclusive event will not only increase attendance but also enhance the overall experience for all participants.

Don’t: Overlook Clear Communication 

Communication is key to a successful and seamless event! Poor communication can lead to confusion and frustration. Make sure all event details are clearly communicated to attendees well in advance. Use multiple channels such as email, social media, and mobile notifications to share essential information. At Cornerstone Events, we can configure and publish event information sites via the EventsAir platform. Along with having a great promotional website to showcase your event to potential attendees (and exhibitors and sponsors, if required), the site also ensures all the content and components, including the program, speakers, sponsors, and exhibition information, are available and kept up to date. Additionally, during the event, ensure signage is clear and directions are easy to follow. Consistent and transparent communication creates a smooth experience for attendees, allowing them to focus on the content rather than logistical concerns. 

Don’t: Overlook the Importance of a Detailed Event Critical Path 

A comprehensive critical path is crucial for managing the multitude of tasks involved in planning your event. Don’t skip the details—create a detailed timeline, budget, and list of responsibilities. This critical path should cover every aspect of the event, from the initial planning stages of contracting and key deadlines to post-event follow-up requirements. Ensure that every element, from logistics to content, is planned well in advance, including having contingency plans for potential issues and clear protocols for on-the-day operations. A well-thought-out critical path helps prevent last-minute issues and ensures that no task is overlooked or deadline missed, allowing you to deliver a flawless event experience. 

Don’t: Ignore Feedback 

Feedback is crucial for improvement – and we believe there is always room for improvement! Use real-time feedback tools such as live polls, surveys, and social media monitoring to gauge attendee sentiment. At Cornerstone Events, we like to use post-event surveys to gather feedback from clients and suppliers. This helps us pinpoint areas for improvement as well as highlight our successes. Listening to feedback allows you to make immediate adjustments and enhances future events. Ignoring feedback can result in repeating mistakes and missing valuable opportunities for growth. 

Don’t: Underestimate Branding Opportunities 

Imagine the plenary stage lit up with bold, eye-catching branding that captivates every attendee. Your event is an extension of your brand, so make sure your branding is consistent and visible throughout. From the event’s visual design and décor to the tone of communication and promotional materials, every element should reinforce your message. At Cornerstone Events, we work alongside many fantastic suppliers to help bring your branding visions to life, creating dynamic banners, vibrant stage setups, and immersive environments that echo your brand’s identity. Cohesive branding not only enhances recognition but also helps attendees remember your event long after it’s over. Embrace these opportunities to make a memorable impact and leave a lasting impression. 

Don’t: Cut Corners on Security 

Safety is paramount. Never compromise on security measures to cut costs. Ensure you have a sufficient number of trained security personnel, emergency response plans, and health and safety protocols in place. In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is also a critical concern, especially for virtual or hybrid events. Protecting your attendees’ data and privacy should always be a priority. 

By following these do’s and don’ts, you can ensure your next event is not only well-organised but also leaves a lasting impression on your attendees. At Cornerstone Events, we are committed to helping you create unforgettable experiences. Let us help you bring your vision to life and make your next event a remarkable success. Contact us today to start planning!   


Photo credit: Magnetic Shots