How to Keep Your Delegates Engaged Throughout Your Conference

Hosting a successful conference involves more than just securing speakers and a venue; it requires keeping your delegates engaged from start to finish. As an event management company specialising in conferences and incentives, we understand the challenges of maintaining delegate interest over extended periods. Here are some strategies we’ve found effective in ensuring your attendees stay engaged until the very end. 

1. Interactive Sessions & Variety in Presentation Formats 

Traditional sessions can become monotonous. We find that incorporating interactive elements at conferences such as Q&A sessions, live polls, and discussion panels helps to keep delegates engaged by breaking the monotony while also giving delegates a chance to participate actively. At one of our largest yearly events, with over 5,000 attendees, we have found that including discussion panels and Q&A sessions, where the question can be submitted electronically, significantly boosts engagement and interactivity. 


We believe in mixing up presentation formats to keep things interesting, and often suggest that our clients use a combination of keynotes, workshops, panel discussions, and case studies. This variety caters to different learning styles and keeps the content fresh and engaging. 

Along with a variety of presentation formats, a well-structured agenda with clear timelines helps delegates know what to expect and ensure that there are sufficient breaks to prevent fatigue. Breaks also provide opportunities for informal networking and recharging. Additionally, offering the ability to build and construct their own agenda allows delegates to choose their own learning path, tailoring the experience to their interests and needs. 

2. Engaging Speakers 

Throughout our many years of organising conferences and events of various sizes and listening to countless keynotes, we cannot stress enough how important it is to find engaging speakers! Ensure your speakers are not only experts in their field but also engaging presenters. A speaker who can tell a compelling story, use humour, and connect with the audience can make a significant difference in maintaining attention. 

Strategically placing keynotes toward the end of the day can also keep your audience excited and energised until the event’s conclusion.

3. Technology Integration 

Leverage technology to enhance engagement. Use event apps that allow delegates to create personalised schedules, network with other attendees, participate in interactive sessions, and have fun with gamification. 

Many event apps include the ability to incorporate gamification into the event, which is a fun way to keep your audience engaged not only at the event but also helps build excitement in the lead-up. Gamification involves activities, games, quests, and goals that encourage attendees to earn points by taking actions such as; Installing the attendee app, answering trivia questions about sessions they’ve watched, or checking into sessions and functions. 

We have found that creating and displaying a points leaderboard during the event, along with offering prizes, helps to boost engagement. These inexpensive tools can re-energise the audience and maintain their interest. 

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) can also add a futuristic touch to your event. At Cornerstone Events, we work with several fantastic suppliers, including Connected Event Group, who provide a range of technologically advanced products and services to enhance the event experience for delegates. 

4. Networking Opportunities 

Networking is a key reason people attend conferences. Facilitate networking through structured activities like speed networking, breakout sessions, and social events that commence following the end of the last session. We find that providing ample opportunities for delegates to connect can keep them motivated and engaged. 

One of our largest events that runs over a few days includes a networking street festival. This well-known after party is the finale to several jam-packed days of conferencing, giving delegates a chance to let their hair down. It includes multiple food stations, musicians, DJs, and various entertainment options. This special night of networking is always a talking point afterward and leaves a lasting impression on delegates. 

5. Wellness Stations 

Introduce wellness stations to keep delegates refreshed and energised. At Cornerstone Events, we have relationships with wellness experts who can integrate self-care into your event program. These stations can offer services such as quick massages, relaxation areas, hydration stations, and healthy snacks. Mindfulness sessions or yoga breaks can also help delegates de-stress and refocus, contributing to their overall well-being and engagement. 


Keeping your delegates engaged throughout your conference requires thoughtful planning and execution. Everyone loves surprises! Plan for unexpected elements like surprise guest speakers, live entertainment, or giveaways. These can re-energise the audience and maintain their interest. At Cornerstone Events, we’ve seen how these surprise elements can transform the atmosphere and keep attendees engaged and excited throughout the event. By incorporating these strategies, you can create an engaging, dynamic, and memorable conference experience.  

Remember, the key to engagement is understanding your audience and continually adapting to meet their needs. At Cornerstone Events, we specialise in creating conferences and events that captivate and inspire. Contact us to learn how we can help make your next event a success!